Instagram’s Ad Platform is Going to Rock Your World

Yesterday I read Gary Vee’s article on LinkedIn about Instagram’s new ad platform and I love it.

The concept is that an advertiser can setup a carousel of images as an ad and on the last image allow users to click through to a specific link.

Think a slideshow of images where you can swipe left and right, right in an Instagram feed and only the last image has a call-to-action.


Why is this awesome for Instagram Users?

No use wants to see advertisement on the social network they use. That said, Instagram is implementing this ad platform in such a way it is clear they still care about the users experience. 

They only allow advertisers to have a call-to-action on the last image (and maybe video) of their ad. By doing they are forcing advertisers to produce high quality and relevant ads.

Why is this awesome for Advertisers?

The platform already dominates the 13-18 year old demographic and is growing in the 18-35 year old demographic. As Facebook use for the younger demographic slows down marketers have been consider where the next ad platform will be. Instagram’s solution will answer that question and will open up that demographic again.

Why am I pumped about Instagram’s Ad Platform?

I’m pumped because I see huge potential for all the small businesses and artists I get to work with. Instagram is a visual network and when it comes to tourism and the arts, it is primed with people who love those two things.

Instagram users love posting and exploring photos of places they are visiting or places they want to go. If I was a tourism business you can be sure I'd run some of these ads using high-quality images of where I am and how I operate. I'd get my content in front of people who would actually use my services. 

The same with artists. If you are an artists who wants to establish your brand and sell artwork, get on Instagram. Run some ads targets to art lovers in your target demographic. 

Overall though, think about who is on this social network and if they match your target demographic get on it!

Let me know if you try it? I’m curious to hear about results.